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Internships…they’re not just for students and recent graduates!

When you are exploring a potential career or working on transitioning to one you’ve selected, gaining experience in the field of your interest can help you in many ways.  Internships are one of the best ways to get this experience.  If you are exploring a career field   More…



7  Ways to Organize Your Job Search!

Whether you’re working full-time or part-time, have been laid off, or recently graduated, if you are job searching you’ll enjoy better results by organizing your search.  It doesn’t matter so much how you do it, as long as it is organized in some way and works for you (i.e., includes the right balance of all the elements that will lead to your next success).  Here are 7 key ways to organize your search.  Use them to create and tweak a plan to fit you, and help you effectively pursue and reach your employment goal.

1) Have a clear idea of   More…


Job Search and Your Online Presence – Part 1


Most of us have a web presence – whether or not we are aware of it – but we don’t always know what information (or misinformation) exists about us online.  Your online presence is part of your brand (your image, who you are, what you stand for and how you and your essence are perceived by others).  With more and more employers researching potential job candidates, you need to know what they’re likely to find in an online search  More…


Job Search and Your Online Presence – Part 2


If you are job searching or self-employed, chances are potential employers and clients research you online before making a decision about working with you.  You should have at least as much information about your online presence as they do.  In part one of this two part series, I touched on how to find the information a web search would yield about you (including any negative information or misinformation) and how you might avoid having a negative online presence.  Part two will focus on how to highlight positive information online.  More…


Networking for Success

One of the best tools you have for successfully finding a new job or changing careers is networking. I know, chances are just the word networking brings up feelings and thoughts that range from confusion about what it is, to aversion and dread at the thought of what you imagine—or have been told—networking involves. Proper networking is really just about building and nurturing ongoing, mutually beneficial relationships. It is not  More…


Explore Your Next Destination

If you were thinking of moving to a new town and staying there for at least a year, how would you pick the place?  Some might just choose a spot on a map and go, others would pick based on a variety of factors such as their interests, preferences, values and needs.  You might know that you need to be in a large, bustling city with access to museums, the theatre, and a community of individuals who value and support the arts.  Or, you may thrive in the country in the midst of nature and in the heart of a community that values taking care of each other.

Choosing a career is kind of like picking a place to live. More…


Value-driven Job Search 

When you think about how many of your waking hours are spent at work, doesn’t it make sense to choose work that you love, find meaningful, and that matches your interests and values? Even in a rapidly changing world of work and tough economic times, it is possible to find this by taking some time to think about what really matters to you and creating a successful plan to pursue it.  More…